Grant Application


Grants are available to investigative journalists, both professional and non-professional (bloggers, social activists), both in wartime and peacetime. The broad topic of our grants is Investigations of violence and abuse against journalists, freelancers and bloggers.

This year, the Justice for Journalists Foundation will accept grant applications in three subject areas. More information is available HERE.

The maximum amount offered for each individual grant is USD 80’000.

Applications must be submitted in English or Russian. Within a week of your submission, you should receive a confirmation of receipt. Typically, applications receive a response within a calendar month.

The Justice for Journalists Foundation together with its Advisory and Expert Boards will examine applications between March 6, 2023 and April 30, 2023 and after due consideration, the trustees of the Foundation shall announce their decision on World Press Freedom Day 3 May, 2023.

Our grants are subject to the following criteria in addition to the grant making policies. Unless they are met, your grant proposal will not be considered by the Justice for Journalists Foundation.

  1. The Justice for Journalists Foundation provides free emergency insurance coverage to all recipients of its investigative grants. However, if your proposal involves reporting in a hostile or dangerous environment, we require that you and your potential outlets adhere strictly to the ACOS Alliance principles outlined  HERE.
  2. If your proposal involves reporting in a hostile or dangerous environment, we require that you obtain safety equipment (including, but not limited to helmets, bulletproof vests and GPS personal locator beacons). More information on risk planning and safety for journalists can be found HERE. The cost of leasing or purchasing such equipment should be included in your project budget.
  3. Staff journalists who plan to report from conflict zones or hostile environments must have a firm assignment from a news organisation that will assume full responsibility for his/her well-being.
  4. We require that our grant recipients who plan to report from conflict zones or hostile environments undergo First Aid and Safety, as well as Hostile Environment Training, where appropriate. The Justice for Journalists Foundation is committed to covering the cost of such trainings conducted by accredited organisations. The non-exhaustive list can be found HERE.
  5. For Russian-speaking journalists, the Justice for Journalists Foundation offers its own free courses on media security, which can be accessed HERE.

The Justice for Journalists Foundation is non-partisan and does not support any political agenda. The Foundation will give preference to the established media and NGOs with stringent reporting procedures and a proven track record of successful projects. 

Please disclose below in the section marked «Proposed Project Details» if you are receiving or have applied for any other funding for this project or running a crowdfunding campaign.

All fields are required, except where noted. All necessary documents (such as references and certificates), should be added when prompted by the form.