Abdullo Gurbati - Justice for Journalists

Avazmad Gurbatov (Abdullo Gurbati)

Affiliated media: Independent Journalist

Incident date: July 19, 2022

Attack type:

  • Prosecution for extremism, links with terrorists, inciting hatred, high treason, calling for the overthrow of the constitutional order, rehabilitation of Nazism (2)

Who attacked: Authorities

Source: Radio Ozodi

Location: Tajikistan, Dushanbe

Additional information:

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan suspects journalist Abdullo Gurbati of belonging to the banned Islamic Renaissance Party. His relatives and lawyer know nothing about it. Gurbati was detained on June 15, 2022, by the Shohmansur District Prosecutor’s Office of Dushanbe on charges of assaulting a police officer. The court arrested him for 2 months. Shodi Khafizoda, head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Department for Combating Organized Crime, said at a press conference held on July 19 that «Abdullo Gurbati is suspected of belonging to the forbidden Islamic Renaissance Party». On August 17, 2022, it became known that Gurbati is charged under three articles of the Criminal Code of Tajikistan - insulting a representative of the authorities (330 part 1), using violence against a representative of the authorities (328 part 1) and participating in the activities of prohibited organizations (307 annex 3 part 2) .

Help Ukrainian Media:

Gofundme campaign (by Jakub Parusinski) or 2402.org (by Zaborona Media) or IFJ/EFJ Safety Fund