Tatyana Felgenhauer - Justice for Journalists

Tatyana Felgenhauer

Affiliated media: Deutsche Welle, YouTube channel Tatyana Felgenhauer , Journalist

Incident date: October 21, 2022

Attack type:

  • Labelling media/individuals as foreign agents

Who attacked: Authorities

Source: Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation

Location: Russia, Moscow, Moscow

Additional information:

The Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation included 8 people in the register of «foreign agents» and one more in the register of «media foreign agents». Tatyana Felgenhauer, the host on the YouTube channel Deutsche Welle and former journalist of Echo of Moscow, was declared a «foreign agent».

Help Ukrainian Media:

Gofundme campaign (by Jakub Parusinski) or 2402.org (by Zaborona Media) or IFJ/EFJ Safety Fund