- Justice for Journalists

Affiliated media: , Online media outlet

Incident date: March 21, 2025

Attack type:

  • Damage to / seizure of residence / work premises

Who attacked: от военных

Source: Institute of Mass Information

Location: Ukraine, Zaporizhia Oblast, Zaporizhzhia

Additional information:

The Russian shelling strike on Zaporizhzhia on March 21 damaged the office of the online media outlet the ceiling in one of the rooms crumbled. According to chief editor Eric Brynza , the office was damaged by the blast wave during the Shahed strike on Zaporizhzhia when one of the drones exploded 300 meters away from the office, on the premises of a kindergarten.

Help Ukrainian Media:

Gofundme campaign (by Jakub Parusinski) or (by Zaborona Media) or IFJ/EFJ Safety Fund