
EVENT: Journalism in times of war

Thursday 23 June 2022, from 1 pm to 2 pm

Palais de l’Europe, Room 1

Without the right to freedom of expression, and free, independent and pluralistic media, there is no true democracy. [PACE Resolution 2317 (2020)]

The Russian invasion in Ukraine has had disastrous consequences on media freedom. Journalists have been killed, tortured, abducted, or detained; media outlets have been closed, or their revenues have plummeted. 

Journalists in conflict areas are routinely confronted with deadly threats. Yet, it is precisely in conflict situations that information is needed most and must be forcefully defended. Can Council of Europe member States uphold more effectively media freedom and journalists’ safety in conflict areas and what initiatives could be taken to mitigate the dangers incurred by journalists?

To discuss these issues, the PACE Committee on Culture, Science, Education and Media and the Council of Europe Safety of Journalists Platform are pleased to welcome you on Thursday 23 June 2022, from 1 pm to 2 pm, at the Palais de l’Europe, Room 1. 

The following experts will participate:

  • Ms Sarah Clarke, Head of the Europe and Central Asia team, Article 19
  • Mr Ricardo Gutierrez, General Secretary, European Federation of Journalists
  • Ms Flutura Kusari, Legal Adviser, European Centre for Press and Media Freedom
  • Ms Lina Kushch, First Secretary of the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine
  • Ms Maria Ordzhonikidze, Director, Justice for Journalists Foundation

The working language will be English. The meeting will be open to the press.