- Justice for Journalists

Help Ukrainian Media:

Gofundme campaing (by Jakub Parusinski) or (by Zaborona Media) or IFJ/EFJ Safety Fund

Affiliated media:, News website

Incident date: January 30, 2023

Attack type:

  • Court trial

Who attacked: Authorities

Source: Judicial Information System

Location: Armenia, Yerevan

Additional information:

On January 30, the Yerevan State University Foundation filed a lawsuit with the Yerevan Court of General Jurisdiction against the founder of the news website, Hraparak Daily LLC, demanding to refute the information considered libel and pay monetary compensation. The reason for the lawsuit was the publication from December 30, 2022, with the headline «Financial Deficit in YSU». The university demanded a refutation, which was published with some editorial comments. This did not satisfy the university and YSU appealed to court. The lawsuit is being considered.